Entry no. 8574

GIStory2: Project Historic Aerial Surveys

GIS-SNP: S.Imfeld, R.Haller
6142The Swiss National Park GIStory Project Project GIS-SNP: S.Imfeld, R.Haller 2008
54188Aerial images Scarl Sasstaglià (Flight line 18) B/W 1970 Aerial Photo 1970
32737Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Val Sassa Aerial Photo Swisstopo 1946
32736Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Val da l 'Acqua Aerial Photo Swisstopo 1946
32735Aerial images of the rock glaciers in the SNP region: Macun Aerial Photo Swisstopo 1939
39857Aerial image of the Champlönch area 1938 Aerial Photo 1938
39860Aerial Image of Zernez 1936 Aerial Photo 1936
32763Orthophoto Val Sassa Valley 1973 V1 Orthophoto 1973
54189Orthophoto Scarl Sasstaglià (Flight line 18) B/W 1970 Orthophoto 1970
54429Orthophoto Val da l 'Acqua 19460927 Orthophoto Swisstopo 1946
32745Orthophoto SNP 1946 V4 Orthophoto 1946
32740Orthophoto Macun 1939 V5 Orthophoto 1939
39858Orthophoto of the Champlönch area 1938 Orthophoto 1938
54432Orthophoto Lavin 19380916 Orthophoto Swisstopo / SNP 1938
39859Orthophoto of Zernez 1936 Orthophoto 1936
32741Orthophoto Spöl Valley 1935 V4 Orthophoto 1935
32765Aerial Image Flight 1973 Val Sassa Project GIS-SNP 2016
32738Aerial Image Flight 1939 Macun Region Project GIS-SNP 2016
32742Aerial Image Flight 1935 Spöl Valley Region Project GIS-SNP 2016
7630Aerial Image Flight 1946 SNP Region Project GIS-SNP 2009
5746IR Orthophoto Production of Flight Lines 151-154 of the Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 (LV03) Project GIS-SNP 2005
5541Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 2000 Project GIS-SNP 2000
5870Aerial Image Flight Campaign SNP 1988 Project GIS-SNP 1988