Entry no. 7110

Biodiversitätsmonitoring Weiher Macun

Oertli, B
7498Macroinvertebraten, aquatische Collection Hinden, H., Lecompte, E., Stoll, A., et. al. 2002
54423Raw data, biodiversity monitoring Macun Database/Datatable Oertli, B., Ilg, Ch., Robinson, Ch., Demierre, E. 2021
40622Raw data, biodiversity monitoring Macun Database/Datatable Oertli, B., Ilg, Ch., Robinson, Ch., Demierre, E. 2020
39870Raw data, biodiversity monitoring Macun Database/Datatable Oertli, B., Ilg, Ch., Robinson, Ch., Demierre, E. 2018
33540Raw data, biodiversity monitoring Macun Database/Datatable Oertli, B., Ilg, Ch., Robinson, Ch., Demierre, E. 2016
32300Raw data, biodiversity monitoring Macun Database/Datatable Oertli, B., Ilg, Ch., Robinson, Ch., Demierre, E. 2011
8257Locations of the observation places of the Biodiversity monitoring programme of the lakes of Macun GIS Vector Layer Oertli, B. 2002
54424Alpine Ökosysteme im Schweizerischen Nationalpark: die Macun Seenplatte Project Gubler, S., Robinson, Ch. 2024
7041Typologie des étangs temporaires de Macun Project Lecompte, E. 2007
7111Mise en place dun monitoring de la biodiversité des étangs de Macun PNS Project Stoll, A. 2005
5691La diversite biologique des petits plans d'eau de Macun (Parc National Suisse) (Diploma) Project Hinden Helen 2004
5690Assessment of biodiversity of mountain ponds in Macun (National Park) (Diploma) Project Indermuehle Nicola 2002
50073Perils of life on the edge: Climatic threats to global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates Publication Epele, L.B., Grech, M.G., Williams-Subiza, E.A. et al. 2022
49949Monitoring of the Biodiversity in the small waterbodies from the Swiss National Park (Macun): potential contribution of eDNA analyses to the traditional species inventory Publication Oertli, B., Demierre, E., Lefort, F., Crovadore, J. 2022
42836Evolution de la biodiversité des macroinvertébrés, entre 2002 et 2019, des petits plans deau alpins du Parc National Suisse Publication Piaudel, A. 2021
33881Invertebrate Communities of Alpine Ponds Publication Scott A. Wissinger, Beat Oertli, Véronique Rosset 2016
30812Détection de lévolution de la biodiversité aquatique alpine en réponse aux changements climatiques : développement dun indice biotique intégrant les macroinvertébrés des plans deau du Parc National Suisse (Macun, Grisons) Publication Mavel, Nathalie 2014
28122How can we conserve cold stenotherm communities in warming Alpine ponds Publication Ilg, Ch., Oertli, B. 2013
8570Freshwater biodiversity under climate warming pressure: Identifying the winners and losers in temperate standing waterbodies Publication Rosset, V., Oertli, B. 2011
7751Warmer and richer? Predicting the impact of climate warming on species richness in small temperate waterbodies Publication Rosset, V., Lehmann, A., Oertli, B. 2010
8168Long-term Biomonitoring of Alpine Waters in the Swiss National Park Publication Robinson, C., Oertli, B. 2009
7025Biodiversitätsmonitoring der Weiher auf Macun Publication SNP 2008
6203Macroinvertebrate assemblages in 25 high alpine ponds of the Swiss National Park Cirque of Macun and relation to environmental variables Publication Oertli, B., Indermuehle, N., Angélibert, S., Hinden, H., and Stoll, A. 2007
6533PLOCH: a standardized method for sampling and assessing the biodiversity in ponds. Publication OERTLI B, JOY DA, CASTELLA E, JUGE R, LEHMANN A, LACHAVANNE JB 2005
6996Looking for metrics to assess the trophic state of ponds. Macroinvertebrates and amphibians Publication Menetrey, N., Sager, L., Oertli, B., Lachavanne, J. 2005
6534Conservation and monitoring of pond biodiversity: introduction. Publication OERTLI B., Biggs J, Céréghino R, Grillas P, Joly P, Lachavanne JB 2005
7978Gewässerforschung auf Macun Publication Burki, V., Schlüchter, C., Robinson, C., Kawecka, B., Spaak, P., Engeler, L., Winder, M., Oertli, B., Hinden, H., Perrottet, N., Rey, P., Pitsch, P. 2004
6556Wie geht es den Macun-Seen in 50 Jahren? Publication FILLI F 2003