Entry no. 5680

Auswirkungen kuenstlicher Hochwasser (Spoel, Schweizerischer Nationalpark; Monitoring Project)

Robinson, C.
7031Zoobenthos Spöl 1999-2008 Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2009
7030Periphyton Spöl 1999-2008 Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2009
7029Chemistry Spöl 1999-2008 Datafile from Producer Robinson, C., EAWAG 2009
7083Discharche artificial floods Spöl 2006-2007 Datafile from Producer Engadiner Kraftwerke 2008
7104Leveling boards Spöl Documentation SNP 2008
6857Artificial Floods EAWAG: Location Sampling Sites GIS Vector Layer GIS-SNP 2009
5579Effects of experimental flooding on a regulated stream along a longitudinal gradient (river Spoel, Swiss National Park) (Diploma) Project Jakob C 2001
54348Flüsse brauchen Hochwasser und Raum... auch ausserhalb von Staudämmen - Der Spöl: ein Pionier-Gewässer für den Einsatz ökologischer Hochwasser Publication Ruiz-Villanueva, V. , Gubler, S. 2024
52377Importance of artificial high flows in maintaining the ecological integrity of a regulated river Publication Robinson, Ch. T., Consoli, G., Ortlepp, J. 2023
50258Long-term functional responses of macroinvertebrates to experimental floods and climate driven alterations in alpine streams Publication Kastenhofer, O. 2022
51276From flushing flows to (eco)morphogenic releases: evolving terminology, practice, and integration into river management Publication Loire, R., Piégay, H. et al. 2021
43289Artificial flood reduces fine sediment clogging enhancing hyporheic zone physicochemistry and accessibility for macroinvertebrates Publication Mathers, K.L., Robinson, C.T., Weber, C. 2021
37587The effectiveness of an artificial flood to solve real problems: the case study of the River Spöl Publication Pellegrini, G. 2018
36955Long-term ecological responses of the River Spöl to experimental floods Publication Robinson, C.T., Siebers, A., Ortlepp, J. 2018
41235Effects of experimental floods in two rivers with contrasting valley morphologies Publication Kevic, M., Ortlepp, J., Mürle, U., Robinson, C.T. 2018
35126Experimental floods in Switzerland Publication Kevic, M. 2017
34856Damned if you do... They give us green energy but destroy precious river ecosystems. What can we do about dams, asks Terri Cook Publication Cook, T. 2017
30985Long-term ecological patterns of alpine streams: An imprint of glacial legacies Publication Sertic Peric, M., Jolidon, C., Uehlinger, U., Robinson, Ch. 2015
31375Can dam releases restore river ecosystems Publication Cook, T. 2015
8615Long-term changes in community assembly, resistance, and resilience following experimental floods Publication Robinson, C. 2012
8546Large-scale flow experiments for managing river systems Publication Konrad, C.P. et al., Robinson, C.T. 2011
7860Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna in Alpine Waters Publication Robinson, C., Kawecka, B., Füreder, L., Peter, A. 2010
6322Experimental Floods Cause Ecosystem Regime Shift in a Regulated River Publication Christopher T. Robinson and Urs Uehlinger 2008
6485Ecological effects of a long-term flood program in a flow-regulated river Publication Mannes, Sabine, Robinson, Christopher-Thomas, Uehlinger, Scheurer, Thomas, Ortlepp, Johannes, Muerle, Uta, Molinari, Peter 2008
6589Der Einfluss künstlicher Fluten auf Drift und Struktur von Flusshabitaten im Spöl (CH) und dem Opuha (NZ). Publication Buser, T. 2007
6539Stream ecosystem response to multiple experimental floods from a reservoir. Publication ROBINSON C, UEHLINGER U, MONAGHAN MT 2004
6528Relationship between sediment organic matter, bacteria composition, and the ecosystem metabolism of alpine streams. Publication LOGUE JB, ROBINSON CT, MEIER C, VAN DER MEER JR 2004
6320Immediate and habitat-specific responses of macroinvertebrates to sequential, experimental floods Publication Robinson, CT and Aebischer, S and Uehlinger, U 2004
6540Experimental floods to improve the integrity of regulated rivers. Publication ROBINSON CT, MOLINARI P, MÜRLE U, ORTLEPP J, SCHEURER T, UEHLINGER U, ZAHNER M 2004
6538Using artificial floods for restoring river integrity Publication ROBINSON CT, UEHLINGER U 2003
6577Ova dal Fuorn und Ova da Cluozza: Zwei Gebirgsbäche stellen ihren Haushalt um. Publication SCHEURER T 2003
6549Effects of experimental floods on periphyton and stream metabolism below a high dam in the Swiss Alps (River Spöl) Publication Uehlinger U., Kawecka B., Robinson C.T. 2003
6323Effects of a multi-year experimental flood regime on macroinvertebrates downstream of a reservoir Publication Robinson, C.T., Uehlinger, U., Monaghan, M.T. 2003
6562Wie verändern die künstlichen Hochwasser den Spöl und was nützen sie den Fischen? Publication MÜRLE U, ORTLEPP J, PITSCH P 2002
6537Stream Response to Experimental Floods. Publication ROBINSON CT, UEHLINGER U, MONAGHAN MT 2002
8105Dynamisierung des Restwassers im Spöl Eine typische Win-Win-Situation Publication Molinari, P. 2002
6578Der Spöl fliesst auf einer geologischen Unterlage. Publication SCHLÜCHTER C 2002
6570Das Spöl-Experiment. Publication REY P, LOTT C 2002
6583Auswirkungen künstlicher Hochwasser auf die Ökologie des Spöl. Publication UEHLINGER U, ROBINSON C 2002
6583Auswirkungen künstlicher Hochwasser auf die Ökologie des Spöl. Publication UEHLINGER U, ROBINSON C 2002
6530Population genetic structure of 3 Alpine stream insects: influences of gene flow, demographics, and habitat fragmentation. Publication MONAGHAN MT, SPAAK P, ROBINSON CT, WARD JV 2001
6529Genetic differentiation of Baetis alpinus Pictet Ephemeroptera: Baetidae in fragmented alpine streams. Publication MONAGHAN MT, SPAAK P, ROBINSON CT, WARD JV 2001