Entry no. 5578

HABITALP - Alpine Habitat Diversity

Haller Ruedi
53919Stilfserjoch Luftbilder Aerial Photo SNP 2006
6716HABITALP: Habitatkartierung mit Farbinfrarot-Luftbildern. Interpretationsschlüssel Documentation Demel, W.; Hauenstein, P. 2006
6715HABITALP: Habitatkartierung mit Farbinfrarot-Luftbildern. Anleitung zur Abgrenzung und Interpretation Documentation Demel, W.; Hauenstein, P. 2006
8841HABITALP SNP - externe Kontrolle für den Schweizerischen Nationalpark Documentation D.Bley 2005
42285HABITALP and CC-HABITALP: all perimeters and years GIS Vector Layer SNP 2021
7203HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped areas in the region of Swiss National Park and Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer SNP 2013
7202HABITALP - Habitat map of the complete Habitalp region, Swiss National Park and Val Müstair GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2013
8670HABITALP - Summary map of the habitat areas of the project HABITALP GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
8656HABITALP - Perimeter of the Swiss National Park (used for mapped area of habitalp) GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
33930HABITALP - Perimeter of mapped area in the region of the Swiss National Park GIS Vector Layer SNP 2008
8669HABITALP - Mapped habitat areas of the project HABITALP GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
8657HABITALP - Flight lines of the aerial photograph airplane GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
8654HABITALP - Feature linked annotations, address of OBJECT ID GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
8658HABITALP - Effective perimeter of the mapped habitats of HABITALP GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
8655HABITALP - Center point coordinates of the aerial photographs GIS Vector Layer Swiss National Park 2008
54360Remote Sensing of Habitat Change in the Swiss National Park Project Schweizer, Jan 2023
27767TBT9 Vegetationskartierung Project SNP 2013
BVM HABITALP Val Müstair Project SNP, Hauenstein Geoinformatik 2012
7902Remote sensing versus field survey for vegetation mapping a contradiction? Project Caliaro, S. 2009
28412CC-HABITALP: Change Check on aerial images in 4 National Parks of the Alps Project Haller, R. 2009
8842Luftbildprojekt 2000 Schweizerischer Nationalpark. Luftbild-Orientierung und Orthophotoerstellung IR Project GIS-SNP: S.Imfeld 2003
54844Digitale Lösungen im Dienst der Natur: Geoinformation und ihre Schlüsselrolle im Schweizerischen Nationalpark - Interview mit Samuel Wiesmann Publication Esri 2024
6430Verändert sich die Landschaft? Eine neue Landschaftsinventur im SchweizerischenNationalpark. Publication Haller, R and Schwabe, B 2007
6713The Alpine Space through the Birds Eye: Harmonized Technical Specifications for Alpine Aerial Images Publication Haller, R., Hauenstein, P. 2006
6714Some Perspectives for Implementing and Developing HABITALPin the Context of Coordinated Mountain Research Publication Scheurer, T. 2006
6134Landschaftsinventur und -analyse in einem heterogenen, alpinen und internationalen Umfeld. Publication GIS-SNP: Haller R 2006
6712Alpine Habitat Diversity HABITALP - Project Report 2002-2006 Publication Lotz, A Ed. 2006
613711 Alpenschutzgebiete inventarisieren gemeinsam ihre Landschaft - das Projekt HABITALP Publication GIS-SNP: Haller R. 2004
6138User needs for Location Based Services in protected areas - case study Swiss National Park. Publication GIS-SNP: Krug K, Abderhalden W, Haller R 2003
6139Informationen aus der Luft gegriffen? Neue Wege in der Besucherinformation. Publication GIS-SNP: Abderhalden W, Haller R, Krug K 2002