Entry no. 35706

Remote sensing of grassland biodiversity

Rossi, Ch.

37905Im Feld gemessene morphologische Pflanzeneigenschaften (Functional traits: Specific leaf area, Vegetation height, Leaf dry matter content) von Graslandarten im Schweizerischen Nationalpark, Unterengadin und Val Müstair Database/Datatable Rossi, Ch. 2017
51812Fusion: UAV data and hyperspectral airborne data NUTNET GIS Raster Layer Rossi, Ch. 2018
51810Multi-temporal vegetation indices (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2017/2018 GIS Raster Layer Rossi, Ch. 2017
51811Beta diversity maps from Sentinel-2 data (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2017/2018 GIS Raster Layer Rossi, Ch. 2017
51809Sentinel 2 - specific leaf area trait maps (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2016/2017 GIS Raster Layer Rossi, Ch. 2016
51813Grassland management information (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2016/2017 GIS Vector Layer Rossi, Ch. 2016
51807Community weighted mean of plant traits - plots GIS Vector Layer Rossi, Ch. 0
53764Monitor biodiversity impacts through Earth observation Project Rossi, Ch. 2023
35664Evaluation of stocking rates (Grossvieheinheiten) for ungulates Project Rossi, Ch. 2017
54428Reviewing the Spectral Variation Hypothesis: Twenty years in the tumultuous sea of biodiversity estimation by remote sensing Publication Torresani, M., Rossi, Ch., Perrone, M., Hauser, L.T. et al. 2024
51806Remote Sensing of Grassland Biodiversity Publication Rossi, Ch. 2022
43326Spatial resolution, spectral metrics and biomass are key aspects in estimating plant species richness from spectral diversity in species-rich grasslands Publication Rossi, Ch., Kneubühler, M., Schütz, M., Schaepman, M. E., Haller, R. M., Risch, A. C. 2021
42903Remote sensing of spectral diversity: A new methodological approach to account for spatio-temporal dissimilarities between plant communities Publication Rossi, Ch., Kneubühler, M., Schütz, M., Schaepman, M. E., Haller, R. M., Risch, A. C. 2021
42606Addressing disturbance risk to mountain forest ecosystem services Publication Stritih, A., Bebi P., Rossi Ch., Grêt-Regamey, A. 2021
38926TRY plant trait database enhanced coverage and open access Publication Kattge, J., Bönisch, G., Diaz, S. et al. 2020
38686From local to regional: Functional diversity in differently managed alpine grasslands Publication Rossi, Ch. 2020
37580A regional assessment of functional diversity in heterogenous grassland with different agricultural management Publication Rossi, Ch., Risch, A. C., Schütz, M., Kneubühler, M., Schaepman, M. E., Haller, R. M. 2017
51808Sentinel 2 - super resolved 10 m (SNP, Engiadina Bassa, Val Müstair) 2017/2018 Satellite Image ESA, Rossi, Ch. 2017