Entry no. 41165

Das Bewässerungsexperiment Pfynwald

Rigling, Andreas; Schaub, Marcus
NWPNaturpark Pfyn-Finges (VS) - NPF Organisation/Institution 2013
43810Drought effects on carbon allocation to resin defences and on resin dynamics in old-grown Scots pine Publication K. Rissanen, T. Hölttä, J. Bäck, A. Rigling, B. Wermelinger, A. Gessler 2021
43814Memory of environmental conditions across generations affects the acclimation potential of scots pine Publication Arun K Bose, Barbara Moser, Andreas Rigling, Marco M. Lehmann, Alexandru Milcu, Martina Peter, Christian Rellstab, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Arthur Gessler 2020
43779How does varying water supply affect oxygen isotope variations in needles and tree rings of Scots pine? Publication Galina Timofeeva, Kerstin Treydte, Harald Bugmann, Yann Salmon, Andreas Rigling, Marcus Schaub, Pierre Vollenweider, Rolf Siegwolf, Matthias Saurer 2020
43815Growth and resilience responses of Scots pine to extreme droughts across Europe depend on predrought growth conditions Publication Arun K. Bose, Arthur Gessler, Andreas Bolte, Alessandra Bottero, Allan Buras, Maxime Cailleret, J. Julio Camarero, Matthias Haeni, Ana-Maria Here&351;, An 2020
39877Thermal Remote Sensing with UAV-Based Workflows Publication Ruedi Boesch 2017
40126Responses of sapwood ray parenchyma and non-structural carbohydrates of Pinus sylvestris to drought and long-term irrigation Publication Georg von Arx 2017
39910Manipulative experiments demonstrate how long-term soil moisture changes alter controls of plant water use Publication Charlotte Grossiord 2017
40119Long-term effects of drought on tree-ring growth and carbon isotope variability in Scots pine in a dry environment Publication Galina Timofeeva 2017
39915How to predict tree death from inventory data lessons from a systematic assessment of European tree mortality models Publication Lisa Hülsmann 2017
42159Effect of irrigation on needle morphology, shoot and stem growth in a drought-exposed Pinus sylvestris forest Publication aud Giuggiola 2009
53857Klimawandel als Prufstein fur die Waldbewirtschaftung Publication Andreas Rigling, Peter Brang, Harald Bugmann, Norbert Kräuchi, Thomas Wohlgemuth, Niklaus Zimmermann 2008
54301Les chênes pubescents chassent-ils les pins sylvestres valaisans? Publication Andreas Rigling, Matthias Dobbertin, Matthias Bürgi, Urs Gimmi, Elisabeth Graf Pannatier, Felix Gugerli, Ursula Heiniger, Janina Polomski, Martine Rebetez, Daniel Rigling, Pascale Weber, Beat Wermelinger, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2006
54069Faible différenciation génétique, à partir damplification aléatoire dADN polymorphe (RAPD), entre les types de pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) daltitude et de plaine dans les Alpes à climat continental Publication Nicolas Fournier, Andreas Rigling, Matthias Dobbertin, Felix Gugerli 2006
54067Die Klimaveränderung bedroht die Föhrenwälder im Wallis Publication Matthias Dobbertin, Andreas Rigling, Elizabeth Graf Pannatier, Martine Rebetez, Thomas Wohlgemuth 2006
40130Baumartenwechsel in den Walliser Waldföhrenwäldern Publication Thomas Wohlgemuth 2006
54068The upward shift in altitude of pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) in Switzerlandthe result of climate warming? Publication Matthias Dobbertin Nadine Hilker Martine Rebetez Niklaus E. Zimmermann Thomas Wohlgemuth Andreas Rigling 2005
54066The Decline of Pinus sylvestris L. Forests in the Swiss Rhone Valley - a Result of Drought Stress? Publication M. DOBBERTIN, P. MAYER, T. WOHLGEMUTH, E. FELDMEYER-CHRISTE, U. GRAF, N.E. ZIMMERMANN & A. RIGLING 2005
54107Mehr Misteln wegen der Klimaerwärmung? Publication Nadine Hilker, Andreas Rigling und Matthias Dobbertin 2005
54253Bestandesdynamik zentralalpiner Waldföhrenwälder aufgezeigt anhand dendroökologischer Fallstudien aus dem Wallis, Schweiz Publication Andreas Rigling, Pascale Weber, Paolo Cherubini, Matthias Dobbertin 2004
54338Jahresbericht der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL 2008 Publication WSL 0